In Algebra of Awe I took a dive into space-like nebulae between fractal dimensions. As if we’re attuned to gasping upon the intricacies of mathematics, delightful geometry, algebra of awe.

Creating this was a mix of fun and technicality, working with Mandelbulb3D to reveal different layers. Each layer, with its unique color and math-inspired mist, was carefully blended in After Effects. The final rendering undergoes HDR grading, thereby imbuing certain fractal elements with an ethereal luminosity, reminiscent of radiant galaxies.

The soundtrack to this visual journey is 'Cloudless Sky' by Mirage of Deep, adding a musical layer to the experience.

Algebra of Awe has special significance for me. It's a journey that echoes back to when I first dipped my toes into the mesmerizing world of fractals, almost exactly 10 years ago. Back then, I published my very first fractal short, Geiger’s Nightmare, setting the stage for an exploration that has brought me nothing but joy and happiness.