"Den beinahe barock anmutenden Strukturen, auf denen sich das Licht durch das Wasser bricht, beruhen auf mathematischen Formeln."
Please enjoy the realm of this aquatic Julia fractal at a comfortable 3K 60fps.
You're entering an AmazingBox2 decorated by a _PolyFold-sym, furnished with a koch_cube, a little _Translate and a _reciprocalZ3 topped off with an Amazing Surf 2.
Because these quarters have been built in Julia mode, you'll be delighted to know I'm sure, there's plenty of pods at your disposal.
The lighting you experience is coming from some gentle caustic mapping, and the auditory pleasures are provided by Patrick O'Hearn - Our Temperable Host
I thought these were interesting shapes, so rendered a fly-through. Not very special in and of itself, I tried to add a second layer with caustics - by rendering a moving caustic map in After Effects and using it as an animated texture which I lit from underneath. This layer I added on top of the regular animation to create the effect of a water surface somewhere below.
Another thing I did is frame-blend it to 60fps - which actually makes for very smooth motion but loses its cinematic quality as it looks more like something a game-engine would produce.